Monday, August 31, 2015

Team Challenge 2015 - Conclusion

First thing first, I finally got around to processing photos and videos from the trip

Here is the video :

And a link to a photo album -> Team Challenge 2015

So, about that whole experience the second time around.... It actually was plenty of fun despite all the rain we got, and all the light/challenging days. I also was worrying how I would handle the whole thing going there alone (long drive and all that), but it wasn't that bad. The trip back was harder because I left in the evening, but having living quarters in the back of my truck helped. I pulled over to a rest area and got a few hours of sleep...

As to the cross-country flying/learning... it was tough. I didn't get to complete a task, but I definitely felt more confident in decision making process. Not that I made perfect decisions, or executed them well, but repetition helps. Overall, the whole week was an exercise in how to survive on a light scratchy day. And, as Randy Brown told me - that is cross-country flying - surviving in the light conditions. People who have that skill - fly far and they fly when everyone else is on the ground. I have seen people do that. I watched them skying out while I was sitting in the LZ. Epic conditions are not guaranteed.

Of course, comparing to the last year, this time we got a nice day of ridge soaring. I really enjoyed it. As I get more confident with the glider and flying in general - more and more, I like flying with other pilots, sharing the experience.

It is too early to say what is going to happen next year, but at this moment, I want to get back to TTT. It is a fun place to fly and learn. It's great to meet new people and see people I've met before.

... A fun fact -- we named our team 'Thermal Thugs'... later when we were talking, we found out that we could have a much better name - everyone on the team was 47 years old. Nice coincidence, huh? Despite our team's flying results - we had fun together.

I hope to be back next year. Oh, and I want to hit ECC next year as well. Do I have enough vacation days for all that?

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