Saturday, August 22, 2015

TC-2015 - Day 7

Once more mother nature decided differently from the forecast. Morning met us with more cirrus clouds.

That meant - not enough heat for a strong thermal day. Sigh. It looked like I, yet again, wouldn't get much as far as cross country training was concerned. Another day of learning how to "survive" on a marginal day.

A task for the day was set just to fly over a couple of markers in front of launch and then spotland in the main lz. Second marker required some thermaling.

I launched at 2pm. Initially, I wanted to go close to the ridge on the right, where I saw birds earlier. By the time I got my turn to launch, nothing was to the right, no thermal markers. People were circling a couple of miles west, so I went in that general direction. I hit a few hot spots, tried to turn in them. Even gained a few feet. But it didn't really work. I moved on and arrived over LZ at 800 feet. Hit a small thermal and worked with it at full VG for 5 minutes. Gained 300 feet. And then the thermal was gone.  I  landed a couple of minutes later.

Total airtime - 12 minutes. The day was done, the competition was done. I am heading home tonight so I can have better rest before returning back to work. There will be a band playing tonight at Henson's, but I'd rather get home earlier. 

I took a bunch of pictures. I will post them later. Gotta conclude this write up with some video too...  maybe...

Last day: set up and read to fly at Henson's

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