Tuesday, November 5, 2013

November Blues

On Friday, I got a text from Rhett - "Forecast looks decent...hard to believe...tomorrow...". Perfect, I was definitely going. It's been almost a month since my last aerotow, and 3 weeks since my last flight at Wellfleet. Due to weather not cooperating on weekends, and life getting in the way, I didn't go flying all that time. I was a bit worrying if I got rusty.

I got to Tanner-Hiller around 10am, and was ready to launch by 11am. My first flight put my worries to rest. I still remembered how to tow and fly. Good! But I still could not find thermals or stay in them... Well, maybe next year.
First flight. Tom Lanning assisting with my launch.
My second tow later in the day was really bumpy. It made me happy that I handled it well. It was like riding a bike... just had to remember not to get complacent. Complacency kills in this sport.

In the afternoon, more pilots started to pull in. It's amazing how good this day was. Warm, sunny - summer like. Probably last weekend like this before cold weather rolled in.

My landings were adequate. I still struggled with a flare and proper hand placement, but there was some breeze coming in LZ and I didn't have to flare hard to land well.

A perfect day of flying in November. Great way to close my 2013 flying season. This season was a mixed bag, but I didn't hurt myself, my glider still flies,  I learned a lot, met a lot of new people, and I had a lot of fun. I hope the next year will be even better.

Come fly with Hang Glide New England!