Saturday, June 1, 2013

Does it bend?

Next couple of weeks after my first flight off 450 at Morningside, I went back to Tanner-Hiller as the weather at Morningside didn't look promising. I could use some thermalling practice.

Thermalling didn't happen and my flights were extended sledders at best. Not because thermals weren't there, but rather because someone couldn't find them, or stay in them. Staying in something that is totally invisible is a skill that doesn't happen overnight...

Landings were less than perfect, too. I was about to promise myself to go back to Morningside and concentrate on landing practice, when my glider's bendability was tested...

Not sure what led to it, slowly sliding into complacency or just being distracted by more turbulent LZ  than I was used to... On my 3rd flight I forgot to unzip until I was less than 300' AGL. I managed to get out of my harness in time, but the rest of the landing went to hell. By that point, I most likely was too tense to properly handle the glider. I made every mistake there was to make. I basically let the glider fly me. I landed through the control frame, bending both downtubes.

My ego and my wallet got bruised, but otherwise everything was ok. Rhett gave me spare downtubes and ordered new ones.

I took a break from flying for the rest of the day and used the downtime to complete H2 (Hang Glider pilot rating 2 - novice) written test. That also allowed me to sign up for Kari Castle's launch and landings clinics at Morningside.  ... I need to spend way more time on a training hill. I obviously need more practice.

A couple of other photos from May 2013:
High Flare

Skinner park work crew

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