Tuesday, May 27, 2014


After my trip to Florida where I got a chance to fly WW Sport 2, my confidence level increased and I wanted to fly other sites. The problem was, most of them required H3 rating. I certainly didn't want to break any rules, so the priority for me for the season was to advance my rating. I had enough flying hours, all I needed was to pass a written test and a spot landing test. Spot landing is basically three consecutive landings within 50' of a spot after flights requiring turns on approach. Launching from 450 at Morningside was a perfect place to do the practice and the test. I still had a problem estimating how long my glide was going to be. I needed a lot of practice and some help.

So, again just like last year, I got to Morningside as soon as they opened for the season. I got 8 flights the very first day. I was getting better and better with DBF (downwind-base-final) approach and got a much better feel for where I was going to touch down. I went to Morningside every chance I got, but the weather didn't cooperate sometimes. I used one of rainy weekends to complete my written test. And other times, I squeezed in a few towing flights - at Morningside and Tanner-Hiller. My landings were still not perfect as I got almost no feel for flare, but I was consistently landing where I wanted... or at least close enough.

On a couple of other weekends, I asked David Baxter to observe me and give me some feedback. He gladly agreed. He gave me plenty of information on what I could improve and even flown my Falcon to show me how it was done. Good times. Thank you, David!

And finally, on Memorial Day weekend, I gathered enough confidence to go through with a spot landing test. I started early in the morning, practicing. Then later same day, Josh observed me landing near bullseye. I got one landing ~25' away from the target and another two closer to 50', but all in the required range. 8 flights off 450 total that day. Eric Meibos got me the paperwork for USHPA rating - I was all set to start exploring new sites.
Josh and I after I completed H3 spot landing test
Josh and I after I completed H3 spot landing test
The same day Dana Harris was doing spot landing for his H4. He passed as well.  Congratulations, Dana!
And of course, socializing with other pilots is always fun. On Saturday night, Ilya Rivkin and David Park were doing bbq and feeding hungry pilots - ribs and something tasty wrapped in bacon was on the menu. Life is good. Thank you guys! Here are a few photos -> Memorial Day Weekend At Morningside.

And here is a video from Memorial Day weekend - different pilots practicing spot landings: